Corporate and national culture in a global context


The challenge

How do you grow a strong corporate culture and make it successful in the city of New York, in Tokyo or in New Delhi – without losing the individuals’ unique values and origins?

Steps to overcome the challenge 

Insights into how national/regional cultures impact leadership styles and relates to the corporate culture: 

  • Understanding of how leaders from different countries can misunderstand each other – and how to mitigate those misunderstandings
  • Counselling and tools for having a “cross-cultural” dialogue that makes the leadership come across and builds stronger bonds in the team


Several tools and methods are useful for a dialogue about national culture in relation to company culture, examples being: 

  • World Cultural Map – Inglehart-Welzel map / World Values Survey
  • Cross-culture Collaboration – Profile and Culture Guides from Globesmart
  • Personal values’ understanding – Tool to create understanding for the team members values


1. Initial information session

– Client, direct report, advisor 

  • Walkthrough and Q&A of national culture models 
  • Establishing common development ambitions 

2. One to two individual counselling sessions

Client, advisor

  • Pinpointing important situations and improvement situations and improvement areas
  • Dialogue and counselling for the client around the the direct report around the pinpointed areas pinpointed areas 

3. One to two individual counselling sessions

– Direct report, advisor 

  • Pinpointing important situations and improvement situations and improvement areas
  • Dialogue and counselling for the client around the the direct report around the pinpointed areas pinpointed areas 

4. One to two sessions together for understanding and alignment

Client, direct report, advisor 

  • Sharing insights and learnings 
  • Bridging differences and creating next steps for development 

Understanding each other is a pre-requisite to appreciate and eventually take advantage of each others’ differences.

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Christer Brasta

Kulturstrateg och Transformationsledare

Under ett antal år satt Christer i företagsledningen på Volvo IT och var global kommunikationsdirektör där han ledde ett team på närmare 20 personer i sju länder. Att leda ett team med så många olika nationaliteter var en rejäl utmaning och samtidigt fantastiskt roligt och lärorikt att växa tillsammans som team.

Boka nu!
