Svante Randlert

Business and People Advisor

€300 for 60 minutes

  • Svenska
  • ·
  • Engelska

Svante is a father of three from Gotland who is one of the Nordic region’s most hired advisers, with over 150 talks every year. He has helped hundreds of organisations and tens of thousands of leaders.

Expert and consultant in

  • Disruption
  • Becoming and maintaining the status ‘dream employer’
  • Dream leadership

Wisory gives any business leader a possibility of booking Sweden’s leading advisors for a 1:1 video consultation. Discuss your challenges during 1 hour meetings.

Svante’s biggest achievements

  1. He is the only one in the country, among over 1000 lecturers, who has managed to obtain the maximum grade of 5.0 on three separate occasions from an entire audience at Sweden's largest management network, Close.
  2. He has received the best marks of any lecturers across some of the world's largest leadership events - World Employer Branding Day in Budapest, Future of work in Ljubljana, Employer Branding Summit in Amsterdam, Rekryteringsdagarna in Oslo, and Stora Ledarskapsdagen and Leadership Day in Stockholm.
  3. He was nominated for Årets Talare 2018 (Speaker of the Year 2018), in the Genombrott (Up and coming) category.

Svante’s beliefs

  1. You must realise that what has brought you to the point you are at today, will not get you where you want to be tomorrow. We live in a time of constant change and you need to adapt both your leadership and yourself to that.
  2. Are you of the belief that organisations develop when people develop, and that you always want to be better tomorrow than you were yesterday? Then it's time to book Svante.
  3. Everything can be copied, except for one thing: those who run your organisation and those who are your most important asset – your leaders and your employees. This is each organisation's unique competitive advantage. Therefore, my belief is that everyone is in the P2P (people to people) industry. The best relationships win!

Some of our customers

About Svante

Svante is a father of three from Gotland who is one of the Nordic region’s most hired advisers, with over 150 talks every year. He has helped hundreds of organisations and tens of thousands of leaders.

His most frequently covered topics include: “How to become a dream employer”, “Dream leadership for the 2020s” and “How to become the customers’ first choice tomorrow”.

He has written the books: The Dream Employer, and Dream Leadership. He has also founded the leadership podcast Chefssnack, which has been downloaded over 500,000 times in two years.


  • Becoming and maintaining the status 'dream employer'
  • Commitment
  • Daring to rethink
  • Disruption
  • Dream leadership
  • Employer branding
  • Future trends
  • Learning
  • P2P – people to people

Career highlights

  • GREAT RESULTGrundare, 2018 -
  • ACADEMIC WORKBusiness & People Advisor, 2009 - 2018
  • STUDENTMEDIAVD, 2007 - 2009







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